Channel: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Community
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Where does the DefaultConfig.xml origin from?

In the DefaultConfig.xml file located under C:\Users\[user]\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Settings you can change all sorts of settings for how Visual Studio works with Dynamics.

I needed to change something in this file on a local VM today. But the file kept being overwritten whenever I started Visual Studio again. So where did it originate from?

Google didn't have an answer. Ievgen Miroshnikov has though, but his article was just not very Google friendly along the terms of my query.

So I'm basically just able to repeat what Ievgen already has stated: The file originates from \AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin\DynamicsDevConfig.xml

Dynamics 365 Business Central – jetzt ist es (wirklich) da



Wie ihr bestimmt bemerkt habt, wurde vor wenigen Tagen, Anfang Oktober, die neue Version von Dynamics 365 Business Central bereits veröffentlicht. Für viele etwas Früher als erwartet und etwas ruhiger als sonst? Nicht wirklich, da die „Directions US“ diesmal nur wenige Wochen vor der „Directions EMEA“ stattfand, lag es fast auf der Hand. Es sei denn Microsoft hätte die amerikanischen Partner vor den Kopf gestoßen. Dynamics 365 Business Central ist verfügbar.

Da es unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten gibt die Software selbst auszuprobieren, haben wir alle 3 Varianten (Online, Download, Docker) auf unserer Dynamics 365 Business Central / Dynamics NAV Downloadseite aufgelistet.

Dynamics 365 Business Central – was ist wirklich neu

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Alternativ habt ihr die Möglichkeit über diesen Blogeintrag zu lesen. Falls ihr auf der Suche nach mehr Details seid, empfehle ich euch unsere nächste Online-Sendung Dynamics 365 Business Central Whats New – Directions Review am 08.11.18.

Modern | Einheitlich | Intelligent | Anpassbar
Das sind die 4 zentralen Säulen die Microsoft als Zusammenfassung verwendet.

Dynamics 365 Business Central – Modern – Einheitlich

Einige allgemeine Stichworte der UI Optimierungen:
. Headlines
. Intuitive Schaltflächen
. Optimierung der Anordnung von Actions
. Neue Tastaturkürzel
. Optimierte Unterstützung für das Einfügen von Datenätzen
. Filter Optimierungen
. FlowFilter
. Optimierungen der globalen Anwendungssuche
. u.v.m.

Der Webclient wurde in vielen Bereichen optimiert und soll jetzt keine Alternative, sondern die erste Wahl bei der Client-Auswahl sein. Noch existiert der Windows Client der namentlich auch noch immer Dynamics NAV, jetzt mit dem Zusatz „Connected to Business Central“ geführt wird. Die Namensgebung kommt nicht von ungefähr, da die neuesten UI Features ausschließlich in den Webclient integriert wurden. Wer den Windows Client verwendet, bekommt die „Dynamics NAV Benutzer-Erfahrung“. Wir wissen, das bedeutet auch, dass wir mittelfristig (Ankündigung um das Jahr 2020) den Windows Client verabschieden können. Diese Erfahrung mussten aber AX Benutzer bereits viel früher machen und dort funktioniert es offenbar auch. Warum also nicht auch in Business Central wenn der Webclient funktional jetzt endlich soweit ist? Wir werden sehen.

Dynamics 365 Business Central – Intelligent

. Neue zusätzliche Power BI Berichte
. Optimierte und erweiterte „Machine Learning“ Funktionen basierend auf AI
. „Cloud Connector“
. u.v.m.

Allgemein wurde das Thema „Machine Learning“ weiter integriert und optimiert. Gerade in Richtung Vorauszahlungen und der Vorhersage von Zahlungen wurde das Thema AI noch größerer Bestandteil der Anwendung. Somit können bestimmte Vorhersagen mittels Power BI Auswertung noch detaillierter durchgeführt werden. Interessant dabei ist die Möglichkeit Business Central (in der Cloud) als eine Art „Data Warehouse“ zu verwenden um die Daten aus meiner lokalen Datenbank in die Cloud (Read only) zu übernehmen. Damit stehen mir als Kunde dann aber auch die Cloud Services (wie die Powersuite direkt in der Cloud und AI Services) zur Verfügung und können z. B. wiederum mittels Power BI in die Anwendung integriert werden.

Admin Center
. Lizenzverwaltung
. Upgrade Management
. Sandbox Management
. u.v.m.
Gut das war zu erwarten. Microsoft hat für Partner ein sogenanntes Admin Center zur Verfügung gestellt. Darin können Partner ihre Kunden Instanzen verwalten. Schritte wie Upgrades, Testumgebungen, Extensions können dort per Mausklick besser verwaltet werden.

Dynamics 365 Business Central – Anpassbar

Entwicklung – Anpassung
. zahlreiche AL Optimierungen
. optimierte Anpassungsmöglichkeiten
. verbessertes Debugging
. viele neue Events
. u.v.m.

Das aktuelle Release ist vermutlich in den nächsten Monaten einer der letzten die C/AL und AL unterstützt. Da Microsoft bereits in der Lage ist ihre Standardapplikation vollständige auf AL zu konvertieren, wurde gleichzeitig angekündigt das C/AL in den nächsten Versionen eingestellt wird. Zeitraum vermutlich einige Monate.
Für viele klingt dies nun nach etwas Stress und eine schnelle Geschwindigkeit. Natürlich ist das eine Frage der Perspektive und es gibt viele Argumente und Gegenargumente.
Die Fakten sind aber so, wie sie sind. Der Weg muss also weiterhin so rasch als möglich bedeuten sein altes Entwicklungsmodel Objekte zu ändern zu verwerfen und in Richtung Extension zu arbeiten.

. alle 6 Monate Minor Release
. keine Major Releases mehr

Wie in den Release Notes angekündigt gibt es ab sofort alle 6 Monate eine sognannte Minor Release. Im Frühling und im Herbst. Die kumulativen Updates dazwischen sollen vorerst wie gewohnt bleiben. Dynamics 3365 Business Central führ in Vertrieb und Marketing daher keine offizielle Versionsnummer oder Jahreszahl mehr.

Der Beitrag Dynamics 365 Business Central – jetzt ist es (wirklich) da erschien zuerst auf Dynamicsblog.

D365: JavaScript and Business Rule on the same field

Originally posted on Ajit Patra : Recently, on change of value of a field, we had business rule earlier and then we decided to perform the same using JavaScript to avoid hard coding of value in Business...(read more)

Quick create not opening from subgrid

I created a new custom entity and added a subgrid of this new entity to my account entity. Clicking the Plus in the right, upper corner the system opens a new line with a magnifying glass (like it shows...(read more)

Get Code From Plugin Registered Assembly

What if you lost your Project or Plugin Code or let’s say a developer who owned the code for your plugin/Custom Workflow? Recently I faced this issue I lost one of my Code Active Class and I...(read more)

Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premise: enabling in-client personalizations

If you are familiar with the user interface features of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in the cloud and now you have installed Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premise , I think that...(read more)

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2: Sales Transaction Approval Workflow Including Credit Limit

In Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2, we have added a new Sales Transaction Approval workflow where you can create approvals based on several conditions such as whether or not a Customer Credit Limit is exceeded...(read more)

Important update of connectors for Project ‘Madeira’ and Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Business edition

If you are using connectors for Project “Madeira” or Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Business edition to connect to Power BI, PowerApp, or Microsoft Flow, then read this announcement...(read more)

OneNote for Sales Rep Note Taking: An Interview


This week I had the pleasure of riding along with one of our client’s top sales reps. We’ve been working with this client for a while now and have learned that the average opportunity closes anywhere between 3 and 18 months. Not only is the timeline extended, opportunities typically require a lot of prospect interaction and follow ups. As a result, the sales reps must keep track of a lot of information, conduct a lot of research and work through multiple iterations of proposals. I noticed as we rode together that day, that this rep not only used Dynamics 365, but he also made heavy use of OneNote. So, I thought I’d share some of our Q&A about his most interesting practices via our blog.

Sales Rep Note Taking

Q: You make heavy use of OneNote. Why not keep your notes in CRM?

A: Oftentimes, when I’m face-to-face with a client, I prefer to use my tablet and stylus to take notes. This approach allows me to be more engaged with the people in the meeting. I've also heard that handwriting notes improves retention of the information. And handwritten notes aren't an option with the CRM notes field. I also tend to take a lot of notes and some of them are very long and detailed - the notes fields in CRM don't seem to lend themselves to that much data very well. Especially since it takes a couple of extra clicks to bring them up. The natural outlining capability of OneNote, the ability to do some formatting, and the ability to have an agenda in one column with notes in another are all things that the CRM notes field can't handle.  There are other reasons, but those are the three big ones.

Q: Dynamics 365 includes integration with OneNote - does your organization use that?

A: We experimented with it a few years ago. I can't remember all of the reasons why, but in general we found it confusing and limited so we decided not to put it into production. But we do link to each client's OneNote in the Documents area of Dynamics 365. Each client has their own site and their own OneNote file in SharePoint. I'd really like to see the integration improve, it has the potential to be enormously helpful. For now at least everyone that has access to the SharePoint site can access the OneNote, so we’re at least all sharing our notes in the same place.

Q: I see another OneNote notebook called "Prospects" with many different account names in it. Tell me about that.

Prospect Notes in OneNote

A: Ah yes, the prospects OneNote! As I mentioned, for each of our clients we create a SharePoint site and dedicated OneNote. However, we didn’t want to do that for companies that we weren’t sure we would actually be doing business with. So, we created this Prospects OneNote as a place for our sales reps to keep early notes with leads and/or prospects. Once we are underway with a real opportunity, we create the SharePoint site and dedicated OneNote and just move the appropriate notes pages out of the Prospects OneNote over to the dedicated one. It saves us from having all of these SharePoint sites that don’t end up getting used because we disqualified the lead or the prospect didn’t move forward with us.

Q: You were quite focused when I first hopped in with you this morning. What do you do with OneNote and CRM at the beginning of each day?

A: I usually have a number of scheduled calls and meetings each day. I start my day by looking at my Outlook calendar, and creating a OneNote page for each of those meetings with a few clicks. On the OneNote pages, I'll jot down an agenda, questions I want to ask, and outcomes I'm shooting for. Using the Outlook to Dynamics integration, I take a look at the profiles of the contacts in the meetings so I'll know who I'm talking to at both a professional and personal level. This helps me to be more engaged during the meeting.

Q: I noticed that, after setting up each of these meeting note pages, you click around those notebooks sometimes. Why do you do that?

A: This is one of the unexpected benefits I've discovered when using OneNote. Since my prospects are arranged alphabetically, I look at other prospects that are in the same OneNote tab. I do a couple of things with them. Sometimes I realize that they've become disqualified for some reason - or the notes are for projects that are outdated and will no longer be useful. In those cases I delete the pages to keep my OneNote clean. Other times I stumble upon a prospect that we had a great connection with but, for whatever reason, I've fallen out of touch with. As a general rule, this shouldn't happen when I'm using CRM correctly, but it still does. This is a great way to remember to reach out to some of those individuals to see if I can rekindle the relationship.

Q: Do you do anything special with how you take notes during a meeting?

A: I always have an agenda in the left column. It includes the agenda shared in a meeting invitation, but also other outcomes and insights I may want to reference during the meeting. I always take my notes in a right-hand column - this way I can more easily keep my agenda visible while I'm taking notes. If it's a phone call, I take notes by typing - it's just faster for me that way. But as I mentioned earlier, if it's a face-to-face meeting I'll handwrite notes. On some occasions I'll even record the meeting so that I can take very brief notes, and then refer back to the details by clicking the note to play back the audio that went along with it.

Q: What about when the meeting is over?

A: Typically, I'll find the follow-up action items in my notes after a meeting and I'll use the Outlook Tasks menu in OneNote to be sure that they get added to my task list so that I don't miss anything. Here's a typical set - he pointed out the following:

Outlook Tasks in Sales Rep OneNote

Ideally, I do this immediately after the meeting. But sometimes I have back-to-back meetings and I have to wait until a break to get through this. 

Q: It seems like those action items should be in CRM - do you put them in there?

A: Usually. I'll still see them when I look at the record in Outlook, and I can just click the "track" link if I want them to be added into CRM so that everyone can see them. Sometimes the task isn't necessarily important for people to see, so in those cases I try not to clutter CRM up with unnecessary information. When I take care of those items by sending an email to the prospect, I almost always track the emails because that might be important information that others need to know about.

EDITORS NOTE: At the time of this writing, this type of integration between Outlook Tasks and Dynamics 365 only works when using the Outlook Client (not the more modernized Outlook App).  Click here to read about the Outlook Client and Outlook App.

Q: What do you do when you complete those tasks?

A: This is one of those areas where if I don't remember to schedule another follow-up, then the prospect could slip through the cracks and I might miss an opportunity. So when I send an email, I always use the Outlook integration to pull up the contact, and I add a task or a phone call to follow-up. Sometimes that's in just a few days, and sometimes it can be a few months out. But if it is someone I want to stay in touch with, then there should always be an item in my activity list.

Q: Can you think of a time when your notes made a big difference in an engagement?

A: It happens all the time. So frequently, in fact, that I probably don't even realize it anymore. I can tell you that my proposals require fewer versions than most of my peers - and I credit my note taking for this. Not only does it help me to listen and respond better, but it gives me notes to share with the Sales Support Engineers who often have to put the proposals together. It can also help as we review and refine proposals together. A few months ago I was speaking with the COO who was pushing back on a few items on a proposal. I was able to search my notes for those items - it came up as a handwritten note, I played the audio, and could tell the COO exactly who added the requirement to the proposal request and what their reasoning was. As a result, we didn't have to update the proposal and we didn’t end up disappointing one of our contacts by missing their requirements.

Q: Does everybody in your organization use OneNote like this?

A: Very few actually. I'm a bit of an early adopter of things and am surprised at how many reps still prefer their paper notepads and ink pens versus electronic notes. To me, being a modern sales rep is like being a skilled craftsman - I have to keep up with the latest tools of my trade if I'm going to improve my numbers. I think this is one of the reasons why I'm the top performing rep in the company. And I think that a lot of sales reps are increasingly on the wrong side of the digital divide and might be left behind.

Q: We recently upgraded you to the latest version of Dynamics 365 for Sales. Will this change how you track notes?

A: It's too early to say, but since I'm a power user, our administrator has given me access to the new screens (Unified Interface) to check it out. Now the lists of notes, activities, and the social feed is all integrated into what is called the Timeline view. This means my notes are fewer clicks away and are more readily visible to everyone without having to navigate to OneNote. I'm going to experiment with that and see if it changes where I take notes.

Q: If you were to answer the question “Why OneNote?” - what would you say?

A: That’s easy! Less rework. Fewer missed opportunities. Happier clients.


Are you (or your sales team) using OneNote to capture information during the sales process?  If your sales process involves listening to the prospect, capturing a lot of information, and using that information with your team - then you should at least give this a try.

Contact C5 Insight for planning, implementing and training on using OneNote or Dynamics 365 for Sales.

How To: ERP Implementation Project Success


It’s easy to define ERP software implementation success: on time, on budget, business goals achieved. But it’s easier said than done. There are many factors involved, and success involves a lot of hard work and a repeatable, efficient implementation methodology.

At BroadPoint, we’ve developed a successful implementation methodology based on Microsoft Sure Step model. Success depends on collaboration between the client’s project management team and the technology partner’s project management team. The following five factors will set the stage for the technical part of the installation:

5 Factors That Will Make the Technical Installation Stage of Your ERP Implementation Project a Success

1. Set and Manage Realistic Expectations

It takes experience to properly evaluate requirements and, as projects can vary, there’s no substitute for putting in the time needed to properly assess what you’re working with as well as where you are going. There may be unforeseen glitches along the way, but the project teams should be realistic in setting the project scope, budget, and timeline.

2. Establish Common Goals Among the Team

The project team should be realistic about what the new system will do for them. Yes, they can have all the bells and whistles, but they should know what that will cost them in time and money. It should be decided well before the installation begins, just what functionality will be included. The technology partner can, of course, suggest and direct, but it is the client’s business to decide the scope of the project. Normally, understanding is reached with the project team by agreeing to the project business requirements and goals. Their approval of the requirements and goals mentioned in step 1 indicates that they understand the terms and will allow the partner’s project team to move forward in defining a budget and timeline for the project.

3. Define a Realistic Budget and Schedule

Once you have an agreement about expectations, be realistic about setting a timeline and budget. Again, glitches might arise, but their possibility should be figured in. Going overtime and over budget isn’t good for anyone. Communication with the client’s project team, which must include buy-in from executive representation, is vital. Status reports, status meetings, and email communication will inform the project team of progress, issues, and suggestions for staying on scope.

4. Maintain Management Commitment

It’s been mentioned, but bears repeating: executives must be involved right from the beginning and certainly in final decision making. It’s been found that the primary reason for project failure, across the industry, is due to issues surrounding executive commitment and sponsorship.

5. Participate in Executive Level Discourse

The partner can help ensure project success by giving management regular progress reports and assurances that the agreed upon schedule and budget are being adhered to. Good project managers will make certain the strategic value of their project is part of this executive level discourse. As long as management participates in the decision-making process and they are kept up to date on the progress of the project, they will usually support it.

With the path clearly defined, executives and team members understand where the project is headed and the hurdles they may encounter. Spending the time upfront to document and communicate the expected challenges and outcomes of the project will ensure good relations between the client and the partner and will go a long way toward ensuring success of the implementation.

In another post, we look at the importance of project management expertise when it comes to selecting an ERP software implementation partner. We tell you why project management expertise is a crucial factor that should not be overlooked.

Need assistance executing a software implementation project? Our team of project management certified experts has successfully implemented hundreds of technology implementations with clients across the US. Contact BroadPoint and let us help with your next implementation project.

By BroadPoint, www.broadpoint.net

Microsoft Flow Designer Changes

Azure: Web Job Deployment Error “The local data store is currently in use by another operation”

Recently, we had written a batch job to connect to D365 and do some operation on a schedule. While deploying the batch job from Visual Studio as a web job we got the below error: “The local data...(read more)

Download Business Central for on-premises deployments

If your customers prefer to run Business Central locally on their own hardware or in other deployment configurations that make an online tenant not relevant, then you can download Business Central for...(read more)

Arrival Overview Functionality in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

Arrival Overview Functionality in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Is your company not quite ready for advanced warehousing? Utilize the Arrival Overview functionality! The Arrival Overview form and functionality is part of the WMSII (Warehouse ...read more

12 Reasons Why: CRM Activity Management Adoption


Why Use CRM to Track Activities?

It’s a question we hear all the time: “why do I need to track my activities in our CRM solution?” And it is often accompanied by other questions like, “why do we need to have a goal about the number of activities we’re tracking?” and, “for that matter, why do I have to use CRM at all?”

It’s a fair question. You’re a professional. You’ve been doing this job for years, and you’ve been meeting or exceeding your numbers. Why change?

For today, let’s focus just on the question about tracking and measuring activities.

To start with, I want to ask you to take some action and attempt to answer the question for yourself. Why do you think it is important to track and measure activities in your CRM solution? Use this article for individual brainstorming or, better yet, share it with your team and make the brainstorming an interactive exercise.

I’ll give you a little bit of help - think about why tracking and measuring CRM activities is important to four different groups:

CRM Activities - WIIFM

Everyone’s favorite radio station is WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?). Why might tracking and measuring activities in CRM be important to you? How might it help you get your job done better? How might it help you form better relationships, win more sales, provide better service, and strategically do your job?

Reason 1: _______________________________________

Reason 2: _______________________________________

Reason 3: _______________________________________

CRM Activities - Collaborating

What about your colleagues? Those who are in the same job as you, and those who are in different jobs but that also use your CRM solution. Why might it be important to them that you track and measure your activities in CRM? How might it help them improve their own performance, deliver better service, win more deals, or market more strategically?

Reason 4: _______________________________________

Reason 5: _______________________________________

Reason 6: _______________________________________

CRM Activities - Coaching

And now, think about your manager. This individual needs to drive results for you and your peers. Why might tracking and measuring your activities help with this? Even if you’re at the top of your game and can’t possibly improve your results or complete more activities - why might this still be important? (Hint: when you answer this question, it may also help you to brainstorm more reasons why under the “Collaborating” heading, above).

Reason 7: _______________________________________

Reason 8: _______________________________________

Reason 9: _______________________________________

CRM Activities - Leading

Finally, think about strategic organizational leadership. How might your company be able to make better decisions when you track your activities in CRM? Who might those decisions benefit? What kind of analysis might they do?

One bit of advice: When answering why activity management might be important for coaching and leading, try not to be cynical. Many users of CRM feel that CRM can feel like “big brother is watching you.” My personal experience is that: (1) this is rarely the case, and (2) if it is the case, your organization has a cultural issue that is far bigger than CRM. Give your manager and leadership the benefit of the doubt and assume that there are good reasons why they need you to track and measure activities - try to discover those reasons.

Reason 10: _______________________________________

Reason 11: _______________________________________

Reason 12: _______________________________________

CRM is a Collaboration Tool

Haven’t done your brainstorming yet? Stop and do it now.

The fact is, you’re a part of a larger group of people that wants to create great experiences for customers, and deliver great results for the organization. The things you do, the data you collect, the way you communicate all play a part in a bigger picture. Everything you do informs, influences and inspires the people around you.

If you didn’t come up with at least 3 reasons for each of the four areas, go back and do some more brainstorming until you do. Push yourself. If you do, you’ll get much more out of CRM than if someone just tells you why.

The end.

“Wait,” you’re saying, “I thought this article would tell me the reasons why to enter CRM activities – not make me do the work myself!” Nope. Not yet anyway.

Take the time to think this through first. Consider a team brainstorming session to get a larger group together to answer this question. Do the work yourself first. I promise, you’ll be glad you did.

Then, when you’re done, you can click here to download our list of Why Activity Management in CRM to put the final touches on your list. But don’t cheat - try it on your own first!

3 Benefits of a Hybrid Cloud Environment for Your Business


The way businesses run and how people work has changed dramatically with the introduction of the internet. Simply being able to send an e-mail or a ZIP file filled with assets changed the pace of projects getting completed. 

With the introduction of the cloud, businesses in various sectors have taken the next step in upping the pace and productivity of their teams with hybrid cloud adoption

All areas of operation in businesses of all levels can benefit from the implementation of a dynamic environment. These hybrid cloud systems can help optimize existing infrastructure, balance cloud solutions of various types, meet and adjust to growth opportunities, assess and mitigate risk, and manage data resources. All of this is scalable and customised to meet the specific needs of your organization.

1. Consistency in Operations

Staying competitive in any sector requires consistent, effective operations. A customized hybrid cloud provides a common identity, integrated management and security, a consistent data platform, and unified development. These ensure that all stakeholders are coordinated and seamlessly engaged across all assets.

Part of the common identity piece is using single sign-on, which allows uses to provide on-premises or cloud access while protecting business assets. Admins can manage accessibility by user, restricting them to only areas they need. They’ll be able to easily change or update those permissions as well.

It’s important to evaluate your requirements in these areas and work with a good systems integrator to ensure your customized system is tailored to those needs.

2. Analytics and Visibility

Regardless of whether a user signs into your system on-premises or in the cloud, having full access to data and analytics is a must. Your remote team will have full visibility to the same information as those in the office.

With single sign-on, administrators can also monitor user activity to help mitigate risks. Threats are intrinsic to any business, but with protection and recovery processes and security tools, a hybrid cloud environment offers complete visibility and control. In fact, according to Microsoft’s Accelerate Your Digital Transformation guide, 59 percent of IT professionals believe their data environment is safer after adopting cloud services.

3. Overcoming Development Challenges

It costs time and money to develop applications across several different environments. It may even require different teams with different development knowledge; one coding for the public cloud, while the other is programming that same application for the on-premises system. Working from a hybrid environment means there’s a straightforward link between assets in two different areas and allows developers to easily and efficiently develop and update them both.

Transform Your Business with a Hybrid Cloud Solution

An important step in the digital transformation of your business is selecting the hybrid cloud solution that works best for you. Contact AKA Enterprise Solutions today to discuss their Ground to Cloud Essentials services and learn more about how they can make a hybrid cloud environment customized to your business. Download this Microsoft Whitepaper, Accelerate your digital transformation: the enterprise guide to hybrid cloud, to learn more about the benefits of a hybrid cloud solution.

AKA specializes in making it easier to do business, simplifying processes and reducing risks. With agility, expertise, and original industry solutions, we embrace projects other technology firms avoid—regardless of their complexity. As a true strategic partner, we help organizations slay the dragons that are keeping them from innovating their way to greatness. Call us at 212-502-3900!

Never miss any marketing target; use Dynamics 365 to shine bright as a marketer!

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How to add Cue tiles to existing Cue Page in Business Central using VS Code

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Retrieve Audit History Changes For A Particular Field/Attribute Of A Record

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Job to create prepayment against purchase order in D365

Vendor's prepayment in procurement process is a very common practice and in such scenario an organization should be able to track purchase order & their prepayments. In this blog I will discuss...(read more)
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