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NAV Client Starter

Universal Excel Import Export

Do you know "Universal Excel Importer"? We have it on new NAV, from NAV 2013. Simply import data from Microsoft Excel with 4 steps: Step 1: Browse Excel file. Step 2: Select Excel Sheet...(read more)

Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: Print Single Customer Statement


Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2018 RTM has now been released and I have been taking a Hands On look at the installation and configuration of the new version.

I am now going to take a hands on look at the new and enhanced features introduced in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Rather than do this as a continuation of the Hands On series I wrote in December, as originally intended, I am going to split it out into a separate hands On With the features post. The series index is for this new features series, can be found here.

The nineteenth feature of the day, is Email Single Customer Statement from the Customer Maintenance window (Sales >> Cards >> Customer), or at least that is how it was originally billed by Microsoft.

However, now that I’ve had the chance to get hands on with it, it is not the ability to email a statement, but only the ability to print one using the old Standard report. This is very disappointing as this new functionality doesn’t even allow the printing to the Word Template version of the template.

To print the single statement, open the Customer Maintenance window, load a customer, click the Print button to display a small menu, click Statement:

Customer Maintenance

A Print Statement window, select the Statement ID and click Print:

Print Statement

This will then send the statement to screen:

Screen Output - RM Statement on Blank Paper

I don’t believe this feature is going to be useful to any of my clients. Being able to produce a statement

Click to show/hide the Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features Series Index

Read original post Hands On With MDGP 2018 RTM New Features: Print Single Customer Statement at azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant

Upgrading GP: System requirements for versions 2013 and Higher


System Requirements for GP 2013 and higher versions

If you are still on Dynamics GP 2013 or an earlier version, you should consider scheduling an upgrade as Microsoft ends mainstream support for GP 2013 on April 10, 2018. With this, you will no longer receive year end updates and there will be minimal support for this version. GP 2013 will then move into extended support until April 11, 2023.

Do your homework before you upgrade

You need to be extra cautious before attempting an upgrade, as the system requirements vary for different customer profiles. This can result in upgrade failure that leaves devastating impact. Also, be sure to maintain a backup and then run a full test upgrade on a different system before going for the live upgrade.

Microsoft system requirements

These links provide the minimum client hardware requirements, server recommendations, and Terminal Server minimum hardware requirements supported by the Microsoft Dynamics GP Technical Support Team. The following server recommendations are not minimum server requirements. The requirements and recommendations are based on experience with many different installations. Users may need to increase these requirements due to environmental factors to achieve individual performance expectations.

Review each Customer Profile below to determine what profile best fits the user count, modules used, and transaction volume for your environment. Use that Customer Profile as a recommendation for your server hardware implementation.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 (v12.0)

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 (v14.0)

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 (v16.0)

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 (v18.0)


If you are already using Microsoft Dynamics GP and are actively considering an upgrade to the cloud, contact us today to find out how we can make it easier for you!

Fast-Track Dynamics 365 Part 2 of 2 - Development with Visual Studio Templates


When developing, there are often things that you repeat on a regular basis. In order to speed up development, it can be helpful to have portions of code that are available for quick access.

In a previous blog, I wrote about how you can use Visual Studio snippets to allow for quick creation of code  that is used on a regular basis.

Another way to accomplish this is through the use of Visual Studio item templates. A template, as opposed to a snippet, can allow you to create the overall structure of your code. A good example of when this is useful is when developing plugins for CRM. Often, plugins in CRM follow a certain structure or process:

•    Obtain IPluginExecutionContext
•    Obtain IOrganizationServiceFactory
•    Obtain IOrganizationService
•    Obtain needed parameters from context
•    Execute plugin logic

If you are following these steps the entire time, it doesn’t make sense to write them out manually each time. This is where templates come in. It’s possible to write the general structure of the file, including using statements and supplementary methods.

Setting up

Templates are quite quick to set up. A complete guide can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/how-to-create-item-templates but I’ll provide a quick overview. For the purposes of this example, I’ll demonstrate how to create a plugin template.

  1. Add an item to your project - C# class file.
  2. Modify the item to create the shell of the template - perform regular logic – anything that is generic and will be reused.
  3. Replace portions of code with templated variables – a guide for this can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/how-to-substitute-parameters-in-a-template. I’ve also provided an example below.
  4. In the Project menu, click Export Template.
  5. Choose Item Template.
  6. Select the item you just created to export – then choose next.
  7. Select the assembly references you want to include in the export – then choose next.
  8. Enter the template name, description, and whether you want to automatically import the created template, then click finish. The files for the template will be copied to the directory specified in the wizard, with the default directory being %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Visual Studio <version>\My Exported Templates.
  9. If you chose to automatically import the template, this will be available for use after restarting Visual Studio. If not, copy the template zip and place it in the item template folder for your user. The default location is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Visual Studio <version>\Templates\ItemTemplates.
  10. The template is ready for use.

Template Definition

I’ve included the sample code for a plugin template here, which includes initialising the IOrganizationService and ITracingService, and obtaining an entity from the context.

using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace $rootnamespace$
     public class $safeitemname$ : IPlugin
         public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
             IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));
             IOrganizationServiceFactory factory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
             IOrganizationService service = factory.CreateOrganizationService(null);
             ITracingService tracer = (ITracingService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITracingService));

            Entity target = context.InputParameters["Target"] as Entity;

            // Logic goes here...


Once set up, the template is very easy to use. In a project, select add item, then select the template for use. The template will automatically draw the variables from the creation window, including name and namespace.

The end result is shown below:


How to generate Excel Template from code

2 years ago as a part of Dynamics CRM 2016 release Microsoft introduced “Word/Excel Document Templates”. I saw examples how to generate Word template but have never seen the same example for Excel. Here is what I found after several hours spent with DB of CRM and ILSpy: [crayon-5aafaae61c37e832191191/] Huge limitation of this code – ...



On Ax 2012 R3 one of the new cool features is the ability to insert data from a query directly into a table.

Here is a quick demo of how it works:

I have created a table called TESTQuery2Record. It contains 4 fields: CustGroupId, CustGroupName, PaymTermId and PaymTermDesc. It should be fairly obvious what to expect from these fields.

 static void Test_InsertRecordSet(Args _args)  
   TESTQuery2Record testTable;  
   Map fieldMapping;  
   Query query;  
   QueryBuildDataSource qbds_custGroup;  
   QueryBuildDataSource qbds_paymTerm;  
   QueryBuildFieldList fldList_custGroup;  
   QueryBuildFieldList fldList_paymTerm;  
   // Empty the target test table  
   // ---------------------------  
   delete_from testTable;  
   // Build the query  
   // ---------------  
   query = new Query();  
   qbds_custGroup = query.addDataSource(tableNum(CustGroup));  
   qbds_paymTerm = qbds_custGroup.addDataSource(tableNum(PaymTerm));  
   qbds_paymTerm.addLink(fieldNum(CustGroup, PaymTermId), fieldNum(PaymTerm, PaymTermId));  
   // Field lists are required  
   // ------------------------  
   fldList_custGroup = qbds_custGroup.fields();  
   fldList_custGroup.addField(fieldNum(CustGroup, CustGroup));  
   fldList_custGroup.addField(fieldNum(CustGroup, Name));  
   fldList_paymTerm = qbds_paymTerm.fields();  
   fldList_paymTerm.addField(fieldNum(PaymTerm, PaymTermId));  
   fldList_paymTerm.addField(fieldNum(PaymTerm, Description));  
   // Specify the mapping between target and source  
   // ---------------------------------------------  
   fieldMapping = new Map(Types::String, Types::Container);  
   fieldMapping.insert(fieldStr(TESTQuery2Record, CustGroupId), [qbds_custGroup.uniqueId(), fieldStr(CustGroup, CustGroup)]);  
   fieldMapping.insert(fieldStr(TESTQuery2Record, CustGroupName), [qbds_custGroup.uniqueId(), fieldStr(CustGroup, Name)]);  
   fieldMapping.insert(fieldStr(TESTQuery2Record, PaymTermId), [qbds_PaymTerm.uniqueId(), fieldStr(PaymTerm, PaymTermId)]);  
   fieldMapping.insert(fieldStr(TESTQuery2Record, PaymTermDesc), [qbds_PaymTerm.uniqueId(), fieldStr(PaymTerm, Description)]);  
   // Let AX handle getting data from the query to the target table  
   // -------------------------------------------------------------     query::insert_recordset(testTable, fieldMapping, query); 
   // Done!  
   // -----  

The effect of this is x number of records queried and inserted in 1 round-trip to the SQL server and still based on a query.


Stock count errors in Microsoft Dynamics GP

3 Ways FDA Regulated Manufacturers can Leverage Digital Technology to Improve Consumer Safety

Have you ever asked yourself if you have the necessary IT infrastructure that allows your business to identify opportunities for growth? Today, in the highly competitive Life Sciences and Food & Beverage...(read more)

Are Microsoft Dynamics SMB partners ready for life in the SaaS era?


Cloud race

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is coming on April 2, 2018 and it will be Microsoft's first serious SaaS contender aimed at the SMB market. Until now, Dynamics VARs and ISVs had the luxury of ignoring that pesky $40-a-user experiment from Vedbæk and Redmond called Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Business Edition. You went about selling Dynamics NAV or GP (maybe even SL - I hear it's still around), avoiding subscription sales unless the customer insisted upon it.

But as the reality of Business Central approaches, you have to contemplate some important questions. Is your business vision SaaS-re...

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Don’t forget to audit controls!

Language Localized Web Resources


One of the lesser-known features in Dynamics 365 v9.0 is the ability to include localized strings in web resources. In the past, developers resorted to coming up with their own ways to handle this. This usually involved code to determine the current language and then hardcoding strings directly in the JavaScript or storing values in XML files or entities and writing more code to retrieve values themselves. Now using resource files (RESX) and a new JavaScript method you can store the values in a structured manner and use a single line of code to retrieve the correct value.

When creating the resource files for each language there are few points that need to be remembered. In the web resource, you’ll need to include the numeric language code in the Name as well as specify the Language type in the Content settings. In this example, 1033 is English and 1036 is French. Also, make sure the key is the same in each file – example “Greeting.”

In this example, Visual Studio is being used to create the RESX files but under the hood, they are just XML files. The schema is a bit complex so if possible use a tool to create them rather than doing it manually.

language localized web resources

language localized web resources

In order to get a localized value from one of these files you can use the new “Xrm.Utility.getResourceString” method. The first parameter is the first part of the web resource Name including the prefix. The second is the key from the RESX file. The specific language is not defined anywhere. The result will come from the RESX file that matches the logged in user’s default language. If it doesn’t exist, it will fall back to the organization’s base language.

language localized web resources

The last important piece that needs to be done is to associate the RESX files you might need with the JavaScript web resource. This ensures that when the JavaScript file is loaded it will also load any other associated web resources without needing to add them directly to any forms that might require them.

language localized web resources

Once the setup is complete, you can bind scripts to form events as you normally would.

The resulting alert displays the value based on the logged in user’s language selection with is found under the user options.

When the language is set to English, the result comes from the English RESX file.

When the language is set to French, the result comes from the French RESX file.

language localized web resources

There you have it! For more helpful Dynamics 365 tips and tricks check out our blog.

Happy Dynamics 365’ing!

Dynamics 365 User Adoption: Who Wants to Be a Super User?


Who wants to be a Super User in CRM? One surefire way to increase user adoption in your Dynamics 365 system is to build a team of CRM super users. Play with the terminology here to find what works in your organization. These can be super CRMers, Super Users, Early Adopters, CRM Advocates or any clever term you can think of.

The ultimate goal of this group is to learn CRM well and get extra exposure to the CRM process (especially during big system changes like upgrades or enhancements), eventually leading to development of CRM Advocates.

Where do you get started? First, identify and empower your CRM Super User group. Your Super User group should include a variety of skill levels:

  • Tech savvy users who are using CRM well
  • Users who are not using CRM often
  • Middle-of-the-road users

By varying skill level, you will get a better view into why people are / are not using the system, what could encourage use and a more robust understanding of current pain points. In addition, make sure to include users from different areas of the business, not all in one specific territory.

Involve this group right from the beginning - get them involved right at the requirements gathering stage. Continue to include them in feedback and review sessions and throughout the User Acceptance Testing stage.

If your organization and culture is driven by acknowledgement, consider providing "CRM Champion Certificates" and recognize this group throughout the company.

Need help figuring out how to user your CRM Super Users? We are User Adoption experts at Beringer Technology Group. Let us help you make sure you don't miss the mark when it comes to User Adoption.

This blog is part of a series that will focus on a deep dive in User Adoption. User Adoption is so very important in a CRM implementation and is often overlooked. So, what can you do to help encourage adoption for a system? Over the next several months, we will look at ten ways to help with User Adoption at your organization.

If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact us at 800.796.4854. We can help you with all of your Dynamics 365 needs. Beringer Technology Group is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and has proven excellence in Managed IT Services.

Beringer Technology Group, a leading Microsoft Gold Certified Partner specializing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 and CRM for Distribution. We also provide expert Managed IT ServicesBackup and Disaster RecoveryCloud Based Computing and Unified Communication Systems.

The post Dynamics 365 User Adoption: Who Wants to Be a Super User? appeared first on CRM Software Blog | Dynamics 365.

Ajout d’une quote-part fixe pour valoriser les transactions d’entrée par rapport à leur prix d’achat au sein de Dynamics 365 pour la Finance & les Operations

English version available here La valorisation des stocks est un sujet très large, qui s’applique aussi bien aux contextes de fabrication que de produits négociés. Je n’ai pas croisé beaucoup de consultants...(read more)

My thoughts on on-premises/LBD (as of 19th March 2018)

Minimum number of VM(s) has been a real issue and question since the time on-premises was launched. We respect Microsoft recommendations for production instances, but for sandbox or for any other tiers...(read more)

GPUG Amplify Session Recap | Why Engaging with Microsoft & Other Microsoft Partners Now Makes More Sense Than Ever

Monday, March 19, 2018 – Bond Consulting Services’ Vice President of Sales and Marketing, David Gersten, is at GPUG Amplify , presenting two sessions at the Partner Exchange. GPUG Amplify is a conference...(read more)

What’s new for US partners the week of March 19


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Microsoft Dynamics AX/365 authors raising funds for clean water in Indian village

The authors of Microsoft Dynamics AX Implementation Guide and Implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations , have launched a fundraiser to back a clean water project for the Indian village of Kotambi. To lead the way, they will ...read more

#GPPT How to improve Dynamics GP with a little bit of GP Power Tools – Part 2

Following on from yesterday’s article: #GPPT How to improve Dynamics GP with a little bit of GP Power Tools – Part 1 , let’s look at how this can be achieved using GP Power Tools. I will...(read more)

Former Microsoft Dynamics GP manager Pam Misialek joins Njevity


Microsoft Gold partner Njevity Inc. announced today that former Dynamics GP product marketing manager Pam Misialek has joined the company as director of cloud applications.

In her new role, Misialek will head up the PowerGP Online product line, developing new business opportunities and creating products that improve the life and business success of Njevity's partners and customers, according to company officials.

A well-known figure in the ERP industry, Misialek spent more than 20 years at Microsoft where she most recently led the Dynamics GP product line. Misialek was let go by Microsoft as part of ...

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